Clean, Work place hygiene tips


You may be working in an office and feel like your hands are always clean, but if you take a closer look at your desk that is cluttered with papers or under your keyboard, there’s no telling what might have happened. From spilling coffee to getting ink on your fingers from printing out documents, it’s important to make sure our hands stay clean all day long. There are lots of things we can do about this. For one, using hand sanitiser before going back into the office after lunch will help kill off any germs that could have been picked up when eating outside or running errands (or even just walking around). Cleaning the desk can also help keep everything nice and tidy, so we don’t need to worry about catching any nasty diseases.

The winter season is finally here, and you know what that means: colds, flu, germs! To keep your office healthy this year (and any potential fourth wave), we recommend a few easy steps. First of all, clean out the gross mugs in the break room with Click Clean’s disinfectant cleaner spray to kill bacteria and eliminate odours. Second, cover up cough droplets on table surfaces with disposable cloth napkins or paper towels from our selection at Click Clean’s store by typing “click clean” into Google search bar for more options. Finally, don’t forget about those pesky chairs – get rid of accumulated grime using our furniture wipes so everyone can work comfortably during these chilly days ahead while also preventing illness from spreading through the air just by breathing it in!

Work through the checklist below and see whether your office is properly equipped for the winter flu season and the COVID-19 fourth wave. Not to worry if you are not. Be assured that Click Clean is here to help. We offer a wide range of hygiene and cleaning consumables such as soap, sanitiser and paper towel products that suit your appropriate work area.