Clean, Work place hygiene tips

Merging Two Essentials in Your Public Bathrooms: High-Speed Hand Drying and Clean Air

Anemos High Speed Hand Dryer
Anemos High Speed Hand Dryer

Introducing the ultimate hygiene solution, our innovative Hand Dryer and Purifier combination.

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency and hygiene are paramount, especially in public spaces like bathrooms. The constant hustle and bustle demands innovative solutions that not only save time but also promote health and cleanliness. Enter the Air Dryer, a groundbreaking device that combines the functionality of a high-speed electric hand dryer with an ion air purifier, revolutionising the way we think about hand drying and air quality in public restrooms.

**The Power of Dual Functionality**

The Air Dryer, also known as ANEMOS, is not your ordinary hand dryer. It goes beyond simply drying your hands in seconds; it actively works to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and odours from the surrounding air. How does it achieve this? Through cutting-edge technology, it generates negative ions, which attach to airborne pollutants and neutralise them. This dual functionality ensures not only dry hands but also a cleaner, fresher, and healthier environment for all users.

**Benefits Beyond Convenience**

Installing the Air Dryer in public bathrooms comes with a multitude of benefits beyond just convenience. Firstly, it’s easy to install, making it a hassle-free addition to any restroom. Moreover, its energy-efficient design and eco-friendly operation reduce paper waste and carbon footprint, aligning with sustainable practices that are increasingly important in today’s world. Additionally, the Air Dryer saves money on electricity bills and maintenance costs, making it a smart investment for businesses and institutions alike.

**Experience the Difference**

Gone are the days of settling for ordinary hand dryers that merely blow hot air. The ANEMOS sets a new standard in hand drying and air purification, offering a superior experience that prioritises both efficiency and hygiene. Whether you’re a business owner looking to enhance your restroom facilities or a conscientious consumer seeking healthier alternatives, the ANEMOS promises to deliver unparalleled performance backed by a 5-year warranty.


In conclusion, merging high-speed hand drying with clean air purification in public bathrooms is no longer a futuristic concept—it’s a reality with the Air Dryer. By investing in this innovative solution, businesses and institutions can elevate their restroom experience, promoting both efficiency and hygiene for all users. Say goodbye to ordinary hand dryers and hello to the future of restroom technology with the ANEMOS.